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Patent Drafting Services

The patent drafting includes a written description of claims and the invention. It must be in full, concise, clear, and exact terms as to enable any person skilled in the technological area related to the invention to be able to duplicate the invention. It must describe completely a specific embodiment of the process, manufacture, machine, composition of matter and must explain the mode of operation or principle wherever applicable.

Patent Drafting Services

Tm-India is a patent drafting company in India that offers a comprehensive range of services. We are driven by passion for excellence, inspired by a highly creative environment and play hard philosophy. We are committed to our world class client base that demands the very best.

International Patent Drafting

We house a team of patent engineers, patent agents and inventors working in robust and systematic internal processes to deliver high quality patent drafting services to best suit the client's requirements.

Patent Drafting Outsourcing

We provide patent drafting outsourcing services to our clients in India & across the globe. Our highly skilled teams of attorneys and engineers deliver high quality legal and intellectual property support services to law firms and cooperation worldwide at competitive price.

TM-India provides the patent drafting services around the world. To proceed with patent drafting in different countries of the world, please go through the below table:

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