Personal loan is a lump sum amount that you take either from a bank or building society or another lender. Such loans help you to take care of your immediate needs without much of a hassle. In fact, personal loan is one of the quickest ways of borrowing money. You can use the loan amount for any purpose such as home renovation, marriage expenses, medical expenses, holidays, consumer durables, higher education etc. While applying for the loan, the lender generally conducts a credit worthiness check, before giving the loan. Personal loans are repayable in equal monthly installments and the loan tenure varies from 1 to 5 years. The maximum amount of personal loan for which you are eligible depends upon your take-home salary.
The exact loan amount depends on your eligibility and takes into account many other things as well, like your credit rating, job security, residential location and the ability to repay the loan amount in time. You can also apply equally with a co-applicant, say your spouse for personal loan. This allows you to increase your loan eligibility, as the income of your spouse is also added to your income, for the purpose of calculating the total loan amount. The loan range in the case of personal loan is Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 20, 00,000.
As personal loans are given without any security and involve a high risk, the interest charged is generally more as compared to other loans, generally varying from 12 to 24%. At a distance from this, interest processing fee is also charged from the borrowers. Processing fee is payable at the time of processing of loan application. A pre-payment fee is payable in the case you decide to pre-close your loan account. Both processing fee and pre-payment fee are in the assortment of 2-3%. You can get the benefits of preferred interest rates, priority processing and simpler certification, if you are an existing customer with the bank. Generally, personal loans are sanctioned within 72 hours.