Business » Trademark Search india
Trademark Search india |
Ideally, a trademark search is an analytical and comprehensive way of researching a name, logo or slogan for prior use. It is highly advisable to conduct a trademark search before filing an application for a trademark. A basic trademark search includes applications for trademarks in India and registered trademarks.
This search is only for information, but every possible effort has been made to ensure accurate results.Tm-india.com is not responsible for any errors or omissions. We guarantee that all trademark search requests will be performed and the trademark search report delivered to you by next business day or else.
The Trademark Search Report will be communicated to you by email or Fax. If you decide to fill the application we will assist you in India Trademark Registration.
Registered trademark search:-There are several small business owners, who want to register a trademark to ensure that no one else can profit on their logo or name. There are five steps to register a trademark for any business owner.
Understand the process
To register your trademark you must file an application with USPTO.
Conduct a trademark search
Before you file your trademark application with the USPTO, you should conduct a trademark search in order to make sure that no one else has filed the same trademark. You can also conduct a registered trademark search yourself by going to USPTO.
Complete and file a trademark application
You can complete an application for your trademark online at the USPTO, then you should file a trademark application.
Monitor your application
It is very important to visit the USPTO website every two months after you file your trademark application to ensure that you do not need to respond to any Office Actions.
Final Registration
Approximately 8-12 months after you originally file your trademark application. When the U.S. Government approves your trademark application, you will obtain a trademark registration certificate in the mail from USPTO. This trademark registration certificate will comprise instructions on the requirements to keep your trademark registration active.