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How to Register a Trademark
A trademark is a type of intellectual property, and typically a name, phrase word, logo, symbol, design, image and a combination of these elements. There is also a range of non-conventional trademarks containing marks, which do not fall into these normal categories. How to register a trademark is the main question before trademark owner. There are several reasons to register a trademark for your business. Any thing that helps to describe your company's services or product should be very important and therefore protected. One of the first steps to register a trademark is to ensure that you haven't chosen a name, logo, or slogan that is already taken and registered. You will have to do a wide search to ensure that your intellectual property to be registered is unique.
How to Register a Trademark, below are the following steps for registering a trademark- describe your mark,
- state when it was first used,
- describe the products or services on which the mark will be used, and
- Suggest the classification under which the mark should be registered.
How to Apply for Trademark
If you are wishing to apply for a trademark for a word, symbol, phrase, or design or even a combination of words, phrases, symbols, or designs that will identify your goods from others then you will be glad to learn that the process is not as hard as you might imagine. How to apply for trademark, you have to fill out the application for trademark registration, you will require to include the following information.
- The name of the owner of the trademark, which can be an individual, Partnership Corporation, or other legal entity.
- The address and name where you wish all correspondence to go.
- An exact and clear drawing of the mark you wish to register.
- The list of services or goods for which the trademark will be used.
- The basis for filing -" This area should include whether you wish to use the trademark for goods or for services in commerce use for the trademark.
- Finally, signature of the person who is properly authorized to sign for the applicant.
How to Register a Logo
How to register a logo, some necessary steps are given below fro registering a trademark logo
- The foremost step that has to be taken to successfully register trademark logo is to do a design search. A design search refers to performing an authenticity research of the logo so that it does not break upon an already existing company logo design. This may be possible by professional trademark attorneys, which brings us to our next step; hiring a trademark attorney.
- A trademark attorney is responsible for market research to your company-s trademark logo and can provide you with valuable advice on many aspects of trademark filing and services. The lawyer will also inform you about whether a logo exists, which is similar to yours. Thus, it is very important for you to hire a good trademark attorney before you register your trademark logo.
- Then, final step is the filing procedure. Those services are rendered by trademark attorney will prove to be very useful in this step and sometimes a must. The filing procedure is not just one giant step towards a successful trademark logo, but rather a set of steps for registering.
How to Register a Trademark Name
Registering a trademark name is a vital step for any entrepreneur and makes sure that your products, business names, services, or logos stay unique to your business. Registering a business name as a trademark them is not quite as difficult as coming up with that name. Both the name and the trademark should be original and meet the requirements in order to be approved. If you would like, your business name can act as a trademark and all you have to do is to come up with a unique business name.
How to Register a Trademark Name, below are the some steps for registering a trademark name. Knowing how to register a trademark name is an important part of starting your business. You can obtain a trademark name for your business. This will guarantee that your brand identity is unique, which will help make your business stand out in the marketplace.
- Registering a trademark name, you should visit to the United States Patent and Trademark Office will give you information on trademarks, patents, and copywriting of intellectual property.
- Check out the general requirements and rules for applying for a trademark name.