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ISO Certification

The abbreviation "ISO" stands for International Organization for Standardization. ISO is a series of international standards introduced in 1987, which define and structure a company's management systems. These standards apply similarly to all industries and require companies seeking certification to define how their systems meet the standards accurate requirements. Meeting the standards assures customers that all vendor company activities - design, manufacturing, production, purchasing, quality control, packaging, handling, storage, shipping, and customer service - are appropriately managed and controlled.

Certification from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Worldwide federation of national standards bodies concerned with consistent rules or guidelines of technical specifications. Recently, gaining ISO certification will almost certainly enhance an organization's business reputation. The ISO Standardization certification standard requires the implementation of a documented quality management system to facilitate enhanced performance and efficiency.

ISO 9001:2000

ISO 9001:2000 is a set of value added quality management standards established by the International Organization for Standardization, or ISO for short. Association in the International Organization for Standardization is limited to one national standards institute per country, though individuals and organizations have the opportunity to apply for ISO 9001:2000 certifications.

While it is possible to achieve certification without an exterior agent's support, given both the expense and importance of properly implementing quality standards management, bringing in an outside ISO 9001: 2000 training mediator is considered a worthwhile expense by some business leaders. Thorough ISO 9001 training increases the effectiveness of the recently processes and the likelihood of receiving certification.

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